Saturday, August 11, 2012

Cracked Pot Tree

 I recently re-read an email my nephew had forwarded me a couple of years ago - one of those chain 'send to everyone you know/love/hate/think needs this' type of emails - a little story about a woman and her two pots.   She carried these two pots every day to a stream to fill them with water (on a pole on her shoulders) and one of these pots, being cracked, would leak water all the way back home, bringing back much less than its full share.  The pot fretted over the fact that its performance wasn't up to par,  but the old woman assured it that it was doing its job.  She said she'd seeded the sides of the path with flowering plants, knowing that one of her pots was cracked, and the cracked pot had been watering the plants along her path all this while.   Those beautiful flowers she got to pick adorned her table every day.

This tree sort of reminded me of that story...