Monday, November 03, 2008

Already - Regrets

H'mmm - I'm wondering if I'm being wise handing out this URL to random people, telling them to come take a look if they want to see what I've been up to. See - the idea was really to keep a sort of photo journal - of surroundings and happenings and all of that, because I know that some of my friends I've left behind in the US really are interested in what I'm doing. But I also want to write random stuff, for no reason - especially considering I'm not doing anything yet - except perhaps eating exotic things that I can put pictures up of. And at my most natural, I like to use off-color language once in a while. Now don't get me wrong - I don't swear left and right, only if the situation and emotion really calls for it and only in appropriate company (never in front of kids except once, by accident - and nothing more serious than the s word) in person. But I would hate to keep censoring myself in this space and use lackluster substitutes for one or two words (especially one) that have come to express certain (ok all) emotions so well. Now some of these people that I'm handing the address out to might be offended. They probably thought that at least by my age I'd have learned to not be improper. But WTF, this is one of the few advantages of having given up a corporate job, not having kids etc. - can't give everything up in this life! So, if I offend your sensibilities or you're under 18 - then goodbye!

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